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Lakeland Jazz Band
The Jazz Band is a curricular performance ensemble designed for any LHS Band student who can musically qualify for membership. Auditions are held during the spring. This band will expose students to jazz music literature, focusing primarily on jazz theory and improvisational skills. Jazz Band students have the unique opportunity to perform at jazz festivals around Florida, as well as school concerts and state-level music performance assessments, where they consistently receive Superior ratings.
The Lakeland High School Band is made up of several ensembles that collectively form the band program as a whole. The Florida School Music Association forbids any student with a cumulative GPA below 2.0 from performing in any type of Music Performance Assessment, including marching, concert, and solo & ensemble festivals. All students are therefore expected to successfully maintain this minimum GPA in order to be productive members of the band program.
All band classes and activities at Lakeland High School are governed by the Polk County Fine Arts curriculum, and also by the Sunshine State Standards for secondary music classes.
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